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The Independent Observer > OS > Zambians poor at compliance levels

Zambians poor at compliance levels

Dear Editor,
Much as formulating or registering a business or a company may seem to be cumbersome in Zambia, many people still manage to go a milestone to have their businesses and companies registered for easy access to business opportunities.
It is however sad that despite making the first step of having proper business registrations with PACRA, then ZRA, NAPSA, NCC, Workers Compensation, among other requirements depending on where one is submitting his/her documents, us Zambians have remained poor at compliance levels.
Note that registering a business or company is one thing but making it compliant throughout is another, which many go to sleep over.
This in many cases have made people complain mainly against the government, yet they forget that they could have avoided the complaint aspect in the first place by just simply being compliant.
It is my after thought that I wish to appeal to all businesses and companies to know that it is cheap to hustle to be compliant than hustling to pay penalties.
Lack also of businesses to adhere to business consultants’ advice when payments are due just because the owners are the final say has made this situation even worse. Note that you can not be everywhere.
It is a no doubt truth that when statutory obligations are due, they need to be met, no two ways about it.. This could avoid court litigations, bailiffs bouncing or even the businesses being declared insolvent.
Imagine if for example Post Newspaper had no issues with statutory obligations to ZRA then, even a politician could not have managed to twist it because their could have been no case to answer.
Let us not be too comfortable with our businesses just because we got luck once, office faces change.
Let us as business owners do our part. Let us not leave loopholes in our businesses that someone may use to his/her benefit.
Wisdom Muyunda