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The Independent Observer > News > Mulonga Water invites you to a Public ESIA disclosure meeting

Mulonga Water invites you to a Public ESIA disclosure meeting

Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation Company Limited (MWSC) is implementing the Rehabilitation and Upgrade of Water and Sewerage Treatment Facilities through the ZWSP Project in Chililabombwe, Chingola and Mufulira.

The overall objective of the project is to increase access, quality and sustainability of water supply and sanitation services including ensuring effective management and operation of the water supply and sewerage facilities on commercial principles in the three towns served by MWSC.

In compliance with the Environmental Management Act (No. 12 of 2011) read together with the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, Statutory No. 28 of 1997, MWSC has prepared an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to be submitted to the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) for consideration.

As part of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) process, MWSC has prepared environmental and social impact assessment reports for the three towns.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, stakeholders will participate in the disclosure meetings electronically using the following details;

Chingola Meeting
Date: 30th June 2021 – Wednesday
Time: 09:30am
Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 842 3646 1385
Passcode: 525479

Mufulira Meeting
Date: 30th June 2021 – Wednesday
Time: 14:30pm
Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 833 8292 4076
Passcode: 961883

Document can be accessed from the website or lick bellow.            :

Please send all your comments to Mr. Stephen Lungomesha, email: or call/WhatsApp 260 975 827 529 before 30th June 2021.  Your input in the ESIA reports will be highly appreciated.

Mulonga-“Toward Purified Excellence”