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No mask no business for transport operators in Chingola

Chingola Municipal Council Town Clerk Kabombo Mutekela says no Busses and Taxis operators will be allowed to conduct their routine business from the community without a face mask.

This comes after the secretary to the cabinet Simon Miti instituted strong public health measures to curb the escalation of the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.

“Aside from ensuring that the transports operators themselves are masked up they are also required by law to see to it that all passengers onboard are properly masked up, Buses, and Taxis operators are expected to strictly adhere to all covid-19 guidelines,” he said.

Mr Mutekela said that no transport operators to be allowed to harvest passengers without a face mask in the district.

“All Busses and Taxi operators should make sure they provide hand sanitizers with 60 percent alcohol base, place hand sanitizer dispenser at strategic points where clients can easily sanitize their hands on their way into your bus or taxi, place hand sanitizing alerts or reminders for clientele at conspicuous places where necessary, and ensure that every passenger correctly puts on a face mask at all times,” he said.

Mr Mutekela said that the mentioned guidelines should be strictly adhered to in all bus stations and taxi operating stations in the district.

“The Local Authority through the Public Health department will be conducting inspections all-round the town of Chingola to ascertain compliance levels,” he said.

This is according to a statement issued to the Independent Observer by Chingola Municipal assistant public relations manager Nambela Kyombela.