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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Chisingizi residents urged to vote PF out on August polls- Mulao

Chisingizi residents urged to vote PF out on August polls- Mulao

PEOPLE’S Alliance for Change (PAC) Presidential Running Mate Gerald Mulao, has urged residents in Chisingizi area of Lundazi district to vote out PF in the forthcoming general elections.

Mr Mulao who is also Secretary General for the party said that there is need for change of Government in this year’s general elections.

“I would like to urge you the people of Chisingizi to use August polls as an opportunity to vote out the Patriot Front ‘PF’ for messing up the country,” he said.

Before addressing the residents, Mr Mulao also paid a courstey call to Chief Magodi’s Senior Indunas,Induna Bulwe who welcomed the PAC CEO.

The traditional leader urged the SG to feel free to interact with the subjects in the area.

He said subjects in the village face a number of challenges such as lack of clean and safe drinking water, Schools as well as clinics being far from the people, He said people walk a long a distance to access the facilities.

Induna Bulwe also emphasized the need for change change of government come August 12.

And Mr Mulao shared with the Induna of PAC’s plan for the region and the country at large.

He said PAC focused on reviving the agriculture sector in the district as first priority and further assured the Induna that under PAC and President Andyford Banda, farming inputs such as seed and fertilizer will easily be made available and at a cheaper price.

Mr Mulao later addressed the residents who assured Mr Mulao to rally behind the party and President Banda in the next general elections.

The PAC Presidential running mate is in the district interacting with the people on a number of issues affecting them.