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UMUZ mourns Dr Kaunda

United Mine Workers’ Union of Zambia (UMUZ) has described the late first Republican President as an oasis of peace, wisdom, knowledge and rare product of resilience who sacrificed for humanity.

UMUZ President Wisdom Ngwira said that they have learnt with shock and sadness the demise of the first Republican president of this great nation Zambia.

Mr Ngwira said that during his leadership, Dr Kaunda advocated for equity and equality through social justice system which resulted in Zambianisation of companies and enterprises once owned by foreign elements which was achieved under the nationalization program.

“His vision created massive job opportunities for the Zambian people. The labour market could not satisfy the demand for labour and job recruitments were done from secondary schools, trading areas, and colleges.
“Under his rule, trade unions flourished with a solid strong voice anchored on the principle of one union one industry,” he said.

He said despite the repeated threats unleashed by the union to unseat his government, President Kaunda never exercised his powers to silence the voice of the union instead he exercised tolerance, forgiveness and respected opposing voices to his rule.

Mr Ngwira said that the fallen pan-Africanist had a deep sense of humour for the workers. He was a socialist who believed in a classless society where men and women could have equal opportunities to employment, health care services, education and businesses regardless of colour, gender or tribe.

He said the best way to mourn the fallen true statesman of all time is by working safely, inculcating a disciplined mind at work and remain united as a nation.

“We wish to end by submitting that on the day his excellence Dr Kenneth Kaunda answered the lord’s call, be declared as a national holiday in honour of his huge sacrifices and services to Zambia and the world at large.