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DP urges govt to reconsider KK burial processions

The Democratic Party says the procession of taking the remains late Dr Kenneth Kaunda in all the 10 provinces will act as Covid-19 super-spreader event as events as people will want at least want to get as close as possible to the hearse.

DP president Harry Kalaba says the country is battling with limited resources in the Health Sector and taking the cottage across the 10 Provinces will increase the resource burden of which will lead to a further strain on the already ailing medical facilities

“This funeral has hit the country at the very core by robbing us of a gallant soldier and son of the continent that deserves the highest honor in as much as mourning him is concerned. It is for this reason that my party, the Democratic Party (DP) has suspended its campaigns and joined the rest of the country in observance of the 21 Day National Mourning that you declared,” he said.

Mr Kalaba said the country has in the last few weeks seen a lot of people succumb to the ravaging effect of Covid-19 and the guidance from Health Authorities is that there should be a reduce movements, practice social distance and by all means mask up when in public.

“If as advised by the Vice President that body viewing will be done on television across the 10 Provinces, we do not see the relevance of sending men and women in uniform across the 10 Provinces just so people can follow deliberations on Television, the current economic hardships we are going through as citizens makes it hard for people to follow through with these protocols as some people can hardly afford an mask let alone to keep away from someone who they feel can give them even as little as 10 kwacha,” he said.

He said that with an incubation period of 5 days, it is more than likely that some people who may be affected during the countrywide tours may end up dying on or by the 7th of July thereby missing the opportunity of watching Dr Kaunda being interred.

“I am requesting that government reconsiders its decision of taking our late President’s remains countrywide in the interest of saving lives as well as to preserve the little resources left in our coffers.”

“I humbly request that you spend the funds you intend to move the cottage around the country to procure more Oxygen which our hospitals badly need, I know that President Kaunda would not have wanted the people of Zambia to be sacrificed at the table of political and electoral expedience,” he said.

Yesterday, Vice President Inonge Wina said that it was the wish of the family of Dr Kaunda that his remains are taken to all 10 provinces of the country and that the government had agreed and respected the family’s wish.