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The Independent Observer > News > K273m approved for aquaculture seed fund

K273m approved for aquaculture seed fund

    Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock has approved over 1,500 beneficiaries of the aquaculture seed fund in all 10 provinces valued at about 273 Million kwacha.

Fisheries and Livestock Permanent Secretary Benson Mwenya said the fund under the Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise Development Project (ZAEDP) has resulted into an exponential growth in aquaculture production from 10-thousand 5-hundred and 20 tons in 2011 to 4,670 in 2020.

“I’m optimistic that Zambia will soon close the annual fish deficit and become a net exporter of fish and fish products, I would like to thank President Lungu for his support to the aquaculture sector which has transformed artisanal fish farmers into commercial farmers,” he said.

Dr Mwenya was speaking in Chipepo-Gwembe district when he witnessed the harvesting of fish from 18 cages belonging to Chipepo cage fish farming cooperative society supported by ZAEDP.