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ZRA Committed to serving clients in a better environment

The Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) has committed to serve the clients in a better environment and to give exceptional customer experience to all its tax payers despite Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking during the tour of the newly refurbished ground floor of revenue house in Lusaka, ZRA Commissioner General Dr Kingsley Chanda Said that Company is dedicated to putting their taxpayers first by providing special customer and understanding as they interact with the authority both physically and online.

Dr Chanda said that customer experience is critical to the sustained revenue growth for the Zambia Revenue Authority.

He said a positive customer involvement promotes loyalty, customer retention and improves brand devotion.
“The Zambia Revenue Authority has in the recent past embarked on improving customer experience country-wide with the opening of the Mongu office, ECL customer experience center and soon to be opened the Chinsali Customer Experience office.

“In the first five months of the year, ZRA has recorded positive revenue collections of 31.5 billion in gross revenue and refunded 4.2 billion. The net collection, therefore, is 31.5 billion against a target of 24.2 billion thereby recording a surplus of 7.3 billion against the target.

“This is heavily attributed to the customer-centric approach where systems have been improved to serve the taxpayers better, “he said.

Mr Chanda said that the Authority has set up a directorate of innovation that focuses on improving service delivery to taxpayers with various innovative ideas, products, and services being channeled out daily.

He said t both process and product innovation is meant to streamline service delivery for all taxpayers countrywide.
This is contained in a statement issued by Topsy Sikalinda