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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Political violence should be condemned-PEP

Political violence should be condemned-PEP

Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) president Sean Tembo has condemned the destruction to property and assault on innocent citizens that was caused by the UPND Alliance members and supporters as they conducted their roadshow in Mandevu Constituency yesterday.

Mr Tembo said It is evident that the UPND are not always the victims of political violence as they seek to portray themselves, but the aggressors.

“As Patriots for Economic Progress we wish to challenge the UPND leadership, as we do, to state clearly whether their current pattern of violence, destruction and murder is part of their wider election campaign strategy or whether it is merely due to the party’s failure to adequately police its supporters during political events,” he said.

He has called upon the UPND leadership to reconsider that the majority of Zambian citizens cherish their peace and security and they are definitely unwilling to sacrifice it for anything.

Mr Tembo said that a main opposition political party that is aspiring to lead this nation after August 12, should have a moral duty and obligation to lead by example.

He said that if the situation continues they risk being rejected by the Zambian people at the ballot.

Mr Tembo said the UPND leadership should prove to the people of Zambia that the unfortunate incidents of violence, destruction and murder that have characterized their political activities in the past few days do not define their political party.