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Change of political parties in power retards development-Chief Chikwanda

Chief Chikwanda of Mpika says change of political parties in power is not good because it retards development in the country. 

Chief Chikwanda als0 urged Zambians to emulate countries such as Tanzania and South Africa that do not remove political parties from power but only change leaders within the ruling parties.

“Zambia could only develop if it embraced continuity, Zambians to give credit where it was due as President Edgar Lungu has worked hard and must continue to rule Zambia., if you look at the President, he rose through the ranks from MP to President but we wonder how others with no tested leadership would rule country or is it through copy and paste,” he said.

The traditional leader said President Lungu had done unprecedented development in

Chief Chikwanda said those that promised to bring development beyond what President Lungu were rolling out plans to steal.

“The PF Government has built a state of art massive milling plant 3 kilometers from his palace which would help create jobs and reduce the cost of mealie meal, President Lungu had also built a dual carriageway right in his Chiefdom in Mpika which has added beauty to the face of the District,” he said.

Chief Chikwanda said President Lungu’s economic diplomacy resulted in the Chikwanda Development Trust partnering with Wonderful Group of China to invest 35 Million US dollars in Silk Production, employing 2000 people in his Chiefdom.

“The Head of State was also working on the Mpika-Nabwalya Road which was an expensive exercise, Zambia is expected to record a bumper harvest of maize of which he himself would produce 5000 bags because the PF Government had favorable agricultural policies,” he said.