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FRA given k657 million for crop marketing activities

Secretary to The Treasury Fredson Yamba has announced that the Ministry of Finance has released K657 million to assist in the smooth implementation of the 2021 Crop Marketing Program.

This follows the announcement of 2021 Food Reserve Agency (FRA) grain prices, under the principle of willing seller and willing buyer.

“We have released K657 million to FRA in three tranches of which K157 million was given to them last week, K400 million yesterday and K100 million today. These funds are aimed at implementing the 2021 crop marketing activities,” he said.

Mr Yamba said that of the released funds, K500 million is ring-fenced for grain purchases.

“I would like to take this opportunity to join President Edgar Lungu in commending Zambian farmers for their resounding grain production performance in the 2020/2021 farming season,” he said.

Mr Yamba said the importance of food security in our economy cannot be emphasized, hence the need to ensure that the country remains on this progressive path.

This media statement was issued Chileshe Kandeta for and on behalf of the ministry of finance.