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3 hacked, battling for thier lives in Chingola 


Three members of the same family are battling for their lives after a lone half naked man attacked them with an axe.

And Copperbelt Police Commissioner Elias Chushi has assured the residents of Chingola not to live in fear because the police will take action and arrest the suspect.

Mr Chushi has appealed to the residents to stay calm as the police carry out investigations.

The Commissioner confirmed that a mother and three sons were attacked and are nursing serios injuries.

Mr Chushi said Harriet Kanyembo 38 sustained multiple head injuries, her son Moses Mulenga 14, sustained swollen heard and broken skull, Favour Mulenga 8, sustained painful left knee and back of the head, John Mulenga 4, sustained painful back of the head and youngest son Emmanuel Mulenga 9 months sustained a swollen head.

He said an axe handle is alleged to have been used to inflict the injuries for the children while the mother was injured using an unknown sharp instrument.

Mr Chushi said the husband repoted the matter that unknown criminals broke into the house and hacked his wife and four sons thereby sustaining cuts on the head and swollen heard respectively.

He said brief facts of the matter are that Favor Mulenga went for work at around 18hrs on June 1, 2021 leaving his wife and two children in the house and at 05hrs he was informed that criminals broke into the house and axed his wife.

Mr Chushi said that acording to the witness (Mr Mulenga) one person who was naked just putting on a black pant with some pick colours entered the house and hacked the family.

He said the suspect robbed from therein two radio cassettes, a wheel barrow green in colour, solar panel and some groceries.

Mr Chushi said the scene of crime was visted and processed and the criminals gained entry by breaking the window into the house where the crime was committed and exited through the main door.

He said there was a pool of blood in the house and it seems like there was a lot of strugle during the commission of the offence.

Mr Chushi said the police who rushed to the hospital found the three victims being attended to in the intensive care unit while the other two children were taken by the neighbours .

“The condition for the two Harriet Kanyembo and Moses is critical and they have since been transferred to Kitwe teaching hospital for specialised treatment.