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Mpundu launches Chingola ward campaigns

PF’s Chingola ward candidate Victor Mpundu Langa yesterday launched his campaigns for the August 12, 2021 elections.

Speaking at the launch which was held at Twateka primary school, Mr Langa said that he wants informative and violence free campaigns in the ward.

“With regards to the Covid-19 guidelines, our Chingola ward campaigns will be door to door to avoid huge gatherings, I also want peaceful campaigns were each political party’s views will be respected by every well-meaning member of the Patriotic Front in the ward,” he said.

Speaking at the same event, Chingola District PF Mayoral candidate Titus Tembo said that residents of Chingola should not doubt the capability of Mr Langa.

Mr Tembo urged the residents in the ward to support the Chingola ward candidate, by voting everyone that has the symbol of the PF.

“The Patriotic Front is not going to leave office, because the good works that the party and the government have done can be seen clearly, we should not take for granted our popularity, the candidates need votes on August 12 so that everyone is re-elected with ease” he said.

And Chingola constituency parliamentary candidate Michelle Phiri Kazala called for concerted efforts from all the electorates in the constituency.

Ms Kazala called on women to turn out in numbers to vote for President Edgar Lungu who has shown by his gender equality campaign.

“The development works that the government has embarked on is commended, this shows that the PF government is a triumphant government, lets support a progressive government that has brought us so much development,” she said.

Mr Langa was accompanied by Maphosa Nkhuwa, Michelle Phiri Kazala, Titus Tembo and Macdonald Mulongoti