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African Union honors Dr Kenneth Kaunda

The African Union has honored Zambia’s former President Dr Kenneth Kaunda with a special award.

The Award recognizes Dr Kaunda for the role he played and the immense contributions he made to the liberation of Africa and its people.

The award was done during a virtual event held to celebrate Africa Day and mark the official launch of the entry into force of the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance.

The Charter is a tool that was developed and has been adopted by member states to promote Pan-Africanism, cultural renewal and identity as well as strengthen national policies and other cultural instruments.

And Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, Emmanuel Mwamba thanked the African Union for recognizing Dr Kaunda.

Mr Mwamba said that Dr Kaunda was the only surviving leader amongst those that attended the meeting to form the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the fore-runner to the AU.

“The people of Zambia were proud of the immense sacrifice their leaders led by Dr. Kaunda, made for the liberation of Africa, for it went to benefit the good cause of Africa,” he said.

The African Union is celebrating the year of arts and culture and adopted for 2021, the theme; “The Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want”.

The theme is meant to promote the goal on African Union Agenda 2063, which seeks to make an Africa that has maintained a strong cultural identity, common heritage, shared values and ethics.

This is contained in statement issued by Inutu Mwanza Secretary to Press and Tourism Addis Ababa.