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3 file in for Kasala Ward in Nchanga

Three out of six local government candidates in Kasala ward of Nchanga constituency have filed in their nominations.

The three are United Party for National Development (UPND), the Patriotic Front (PF) and the Democratic Party (DP).

Speaking shortly after filing in his nomination on the UPND, Boyd Mfunda said that once elected he will ensure that the ward has passable roads.

“I will ensure that the soak-aways that are in Kabundi North extension are done away with, for in long terms they can pollute the water, beside the youths in the ward will be put into cooperatives to curb careless alcohol drinking,” he said.

The DP’s candidate Clara Chisanga said that as the only female candidate in the race, she will ensure that women are well represented.

“It is time for Kasala ward to try a female candidate as the previous councillors all males have failed to deliver, women and every other resident in Kasala ward should be productive, the ward has for long looked as though it never had representatives,” she said.

And PF’s Martin Simwaba said that Kasala ward has lagged behind, but will come to an end as he has plans to develop the ward to better and appealing standards.

“The youths of Kasala ward will be empowered and I will make sure that every resident benefits from the empowerment programs, the impassable roads especially in Kasala ward extension will be a thing of the past, the residents should give me chance and the mandate to take Kasala ward to higher and better standards,” he said.

Kasala ward outgoing councillor Bernard Mwape, said he is optimistic that his successor will deliver on his promises.

“In 2016 when I was contesting Kasala ward on the PF ticket, I promised the residents that I will only serve for one term, and that is what has been done, and the right person to take over the mandate is Mr Simwaba as he capable and has plans to develop the ward from were it is, I have whole heartedly handled over to Mr Simwaba it’s now up to the residents of Kasala to vote him in office, he said.

The nomination centre for Kasala ward which was Chibwe Combined School, was declared open at exactly 09:00hours and was closed at exactly 15:00hlurs by the centre retuning officer Sharon Zulu.

The first to file in was the UPND at 09:00, followed by the DP at 10:00 and the last to file in was the PF at 12:10 hours.

The parties that did not file in for Kasala ward are NDC, the Socialist Party and an independent candidate.