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5 go for mayoral in Chingola

Five filed in for mayoral seat in Chingola yesterday.

The first to file in was UPND’s Johnson Kangombe, who arrived at 09:00 hours, speaking shortly after he successfully filed in, Mr Kangombe said not only will he accelerate Chingola into a city, he will ensue that youths have employment.

PF’s Titus Tembo was the second to successfully file at 12:00 hours, and he called for peace and issue based campaigns.

Mr Tembo is seeking a second, and he expressed optimism that he will carry the day because he has the experience and he is a tried leader.

“I know I have served the residents of Chingola well, and I wish to be re-elected so that we can finish the projects that I started together,” he said

“Women this is your time, Chingola has for the first time been accorded women parliamentary candidates, as seen from the women inclusiveness in politics by president Lungu, we had our first female vice president and now he has appointed another female running mate,” he said

Later on in day, independent candidate Brian Chanda Sosala who was the third to file in at 13:10 hours said once elected he will ensure that council services are made more accessible for the ordinary people in the district.

Mr Sosala pledged to fight corruption in at the municipal council by ensuring that the residents of Chingola are put first in terms of given contracts and employment

“I will also ensure that I work on the poor road networks in rural Chingola, this will enable the residents in far-fetched areas access the district central business with ease,” he said

The Socialist Party’s mayoral candidate Rosemary Ndalama filed in at 15 :00 hours, while the Democratic party’s Barrington MWANSA was the last to file in at 16:00 hours

The National Democratic Congress and one independent candidate did not come through for their nominations.

All the successful mayoral candidates were accompanied by 15 supporters, including party officials.