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Police looking for UPND blood hungry Kalulushi hooligans

Police in Kalulushi are looking for UPND cadres over the clash that happened during the filing in of nomination papers for their party candidate.

Copperbelt Police Commissioner Elias Chushi said this follows a report of assault occasionally actual Bodily harm reported by Sakanya Banda.

Mr Chushi said Mr Banda 51, a UPND cadre of house number N4 Musanse street in Kalulushi was assaulted by his fellow UPND members whom he can identify.

Mr Chushi has identified the suspects as Mary Muzazu, Marina Kaira, Elizabeth Mutale, Oliver Zuwa and Ebby Maimbo and others he can easily identify if  seen.

“The complainant sustained painful head, nose and ear, cuts on both lips and general body pains. Fists and slaps were used to inflict the said injuries. However, this was after Banda escorted Ngosa Daka (candidate) to file his candidature at Kalulushi Municipal Council where he met Chikalaba Kaleta, who was also a candidate for Kalulushi Constituency.

“However, this collision angered Kaleta’s supporters who ordered Daka to leave the place as he was not adopted. So in an effort to defend his colleague, he was beaten. No arrest made yet,” said Mr Chushi.