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Socialist Party files in at Kwacha Constituency

Socialist Party Parliamentary candidate for Kwacha constituency Grace Natasha Namunyola says a revolution in Kwacha constituency has started and has called on youths to lead.

Ms Namunyola said youths in the country should put their energies on bringing out issues that affect them adding that can only be done if they take political positions.

“As youths we should not just seat and wait for people to make decisions for us. We need to take up the wheels and help steer this the country to greater heights. We need to remove politicians who have personalized positions but have failed to deliver,” she said.

Ms Namunyola said she is not intimated by other contenders but inspired to take the journey as she is there to bring change and development to the people of Kwacha once she is voted in in August this year.

Ms Namunyola 27, old the only young female candidate aspiring for the seat said a lot of work needs to done in the constituency which currently has selective type of development.

And United Party for National Development (UPND) aspiring candidate Mulenga Charles Abel successfully filed in nominations.

Returning Officer Alex Mwila announced that the candidate successfully filed in his nomination.

The visibly elated candidate said he was happy to have successfully filed in his nomination and to represent the people of Kwacha.