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The Independent Observer > News > I’m true green, not double dealer-Sylvia Chalikosa

I’m true green, not double dealer-Sylvia Chalikosa

Mpika Central Member of Parliament Sylvia Chalikosa has refuted claims that she is in talks with the opposition United Party for National Development for adoption.

Ms Chalikosa said that she is a bona fide member of the ruling Patriotic Front, a pure and true green who respects the decisions of the party, the central committee and that President Edgar Lungu.

“I will die defending my party, the Patriotic Front, and I wish to advise those degrading my name into unsustainable propaganda that I’m not a double dealer, “she said

Ms Chalikosa has vowed to campaign for President Edgar Lungu and all PF adopted candidates including the Mpika Central adopted candidate.

“My loyalty fully belongs to President Edgar Lungu and the Patriotic Front, No matter what comes my way, I will forever be patriotic to my party.

“I wish to advise other candidates who have not been adopted by the party to rally behind President Lungu and support all candidates on the PF ticket,” she said

Ms Chalikosa will not be re-contesting the Mpika Central constituency seat in the August polls, as she was not adopted but the seat will be contested by adopted candidate Francis Robert Kapyanga.