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C/belt Chiefs calls for sensitization on Covid-19 vaccine in chiefdoms

Copperbelt Chiefs says that the Ministry of Health should intensify sensitization programs on the Covid-19 vaccine in their Chiefdoms, if more people are to be vaccinated.

The Chiefs said that the people from health facilities are experts who can explain well to the people about the vaccine.

Chief Lumpuma of Lufwanyama said that they are a lot of myths about the vaccine and chiefs who are not experts cannot convince their subjects if health experts have not done their sensitization.

He said that people in rural communities need information for them to understand what the vaccine is and how it will help them.

Chief Lumpuma said lack of proper information will hinder them from getting vaccinated.

He said the people from the Ministry have not engaged the chiefs fully on sensitization.

And Chief Nkambo of Masaiti also said that aggressive sensitization by health experts is key because the experts have the correct information.

He emphasized on the need for serious sensitization so that people are accorded the right information, otherwise chiefs may not give the necessary information but together with the health personnel can convince the people.

And Chief Mwinuna of Mpongwe said that his people are ready to take the vaccine but due to lack of information and where to get the vaccine they are not getting vaccinated.