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Marketeers vulnerable to Covid-Dr Chanda

Health Minister Jonas Chanda says that marketers are also vulnerable in contracting the coronavirus as they are in contact with masses on a daily basis.

Speaking after visiting some markets in Ndola, Dr Chanda said that it is important for those in the frontline such as health personnel, bus drivers and marketers among others to get the Covid-19 vaccine (AstraZeneca) to protect themselves and others.

Dr Chanda, who is also Bwana Mkubwa Member of Parliament, said that the public health that has been approached by the government is to take the vaccine program to the people for easy access.

The minister health revealed that more men have been vaccinated as compared to the women in the country, further adding that 64% of the numbers of those that have received the covid jab are men while the percentage of vaccinated women stands at 36%.

He has since attributed the low turnout by women to the myths and misconception surrounding the covid vaccine, such as infertility after the vaccine is received.

Dr Chanda assured women that the vaccine is safe, further urging the women to get the vaccine as it is a sure way of preventing the coronavirus.

He noted that the main reason the government rolled out the vaccine in places that are easily accessed by the local residents is to ensure that everyone receives the jab to prevent contracting the covid-19.