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Mubukwanu urges Zambians to make submissions on 8NDP

The Ministry of National Development Planning is undertaking countrywide discussions in provinces with various stakeholders to build consensus on priority areas.

This has to be addressed during the implementation period of the 8th National Development Plan (8NDP) which will run from 2022 to 2026.

Officiating at the provincial stakeholder consultations for the presentation of the 8NDP in Solwezi, North Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu said that cabinet has approved the commencement of the preparation of the 8NDP in October 2020.

“This implies doing things differently and putting in place strategies, programmes and activities that will turn around the current economic environment by allowing us to make traction on the attainment of our development goals,

“Let me assure all of you gathered here that Government is convinced that as stakeholders, we will move as a united force to deliver this important national assignment,” he said.

Mr Mubukwanu said the formulation of the 8NDP comes at a time when the country is pursuing an agenda to restore growth and safeguard livelihoods through macroeconomic stability and economic diversification as espoused in the 8NDP.

He said there is need to include emerging issues, such as climate change and recovery from COVID-19 pandemic, in the 8NDP.

Mr Mubukwanu said the district consultations will play a very critical role in the formulation of the 8NDP.

And Ministry of National Development Planning Permanent Secretary, Development Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation Trevor Kaunda said it was imperative that all stakeholders are included in preparation of the 8NDP considering that a national development plan is key guiding development document for the country.

Mr Kaunda said the 8NDP provides an opportunity for North Western Province to diversified strategy.

He said there is  need to seriously consider paying attention to the comparative advantage of each district when planning, For instance, Mwinilunga, Ikelenge, Kalumbila, Chavuma, Kasempa, Mushindamo and Mufumbwe for  agriculture whilst Manyinga, Mwinilunga, Zambezi, Solwezi and Kabompo  to manufacturing and processing.

And North Western Province Permanent Secretary Willies Manjimela said that the process of formulating the 8NDP was a noble cause and called for active participation of all stakeholders.

This is contained in a statement issued by Ministry Of National Development Planning Chibaula  Silwamba .