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Avoid playing dirty game prior to polls-Msoni

All people’s Congress Party (APC) President Nason Msoni has called on political leaders to provide an amicable environment for holding of free and fair elections.

Mr Msoni said that political leaders should avoid playing dirty games by using the police to pursue opponents to settle their political interests.

He said it’s high time that politicians move away from politics of personal confrontations and embrace politics that focus on governance issues.

He said that person issues should not set the agenda for the country if politics are to deliver development.

Mr Msoni said political campaigns must radiate the political issues of concern which are the call for the suffering of majority   Zambians.

He said the country expect of all political parties to focus on issues of development and not individuals.

“Citizens must be allowed to make decisions come august on whom they wish to vote for on the basis of the progammes offered by each political party,” he said.

Mr Nsoni said that the poor quality of leadership is evident by the failure of those holding the instrument of power.

He said the kind of politics being practiced by politicians; prescribe no solution to the challenges facing the people of Zambia.