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The Independent Observer > News > Mulonga Water pipes vandalized

Mulonga Water pipes vandalized

Vandals have removed metallic clamps from 10 inch Mulonga Water Supply and Sanitation pipes leaving part of Nchanga North without water.

Mulonga Water acting Public Relations Manager Bright Mtonga said the pipes that supply A1 and A2 reservoirs feeding part of Nchanga North have been vandalized.

Speaking after spot check, Mr Mtonga said the company incurs a lot of losses from vandalized pipes from time to time.

He said that it is inconveniencing to the company because water is treated and pumped at a cost and customers are also disturbed.

Mr Mtonga said that the company is not selling the water it is treating hence loss of revenue.

He has appealed to scrap metal dealers not to buy suspected Mulonga Water materials as this is a crime of tempering with company infrastructure instead they should verify with the company.

Mr Mtonga said the company is working with the police to bring the culprit to book and their days are numbered.

He has also appealed to customers to be vigilant and help to protect the water infrastructure.

“We have a project to replace water network in Nchanga North and we are worried that vendors may affect the project,” he said.