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Chingola Central residents want Maposa Nkhuwa, Victor Langa

By Staff Writer
Chingola Central residents want the supreme organ of PF to adopt Maposa Nkhuwa as their parliamentary candidate and Victor Langa Mpundu as their Councillor.

Speaking during a meeting in which the ward met both candidates, Chingola Ward vice Chairperson for Women’s League Lyness Kabunse said the residents in the area want Maposa and Mr Langa.

Ms Kabunse said the residents settled for Maposa Nkhuwa because his father Matthew Nkhuwa had initiated several projects and they wouldn’t want someone to derail them.

Lyness Kabunse

“Under Mr Nkhuwa, Chingola Constituency has been transformed. Schools, maternity wings, dormitories, roads have been built. Several empowerments for women, youths, taxi drivers, marketeers, vendors have been dished out. We will not accept any other candidate apart from Maposa and Langa.

“Some candidates have brutal husbands and we wouldn’t want someone who will come and confiscate things from us. We want Maposa and Langa to be our leaders,” she said.

Ms Kabunse said in leadership there is no need for stature.

She said King David was only a toddler when he was appointed king of Israel.

And some sections of the clergy in Chingola have endorsed Maposa’s candidature.

Life Giving Word Christian Ministries Founder Ellison Bwalya said Maposa deserves to be supported so that he continues with the vision of his father.

Life Giving Word Christian Ministries Founder Ellison Bwalya

Bishop Bwalya said Mr Nkhuwa has been helpful to the clergy by supporting and empowering clergy cooperatives with money.

“The church is rallying behind you Maposa. We are behind the continuation of what Mr Nkhwa started. Your father is a giver and helper. Ubupyani wa Maposa twasuminisha,” he said.