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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Thieves stole transformer oil in Lusaka

Thieves stole transformer oil in Lusaka

Vandals have stolen oil in a Zesco transformer in Lusaka’s Roma Township leaving the ZICTA National Data Centre, Kalundu and Roma residential areas without power.

This happened on Thursday around 14 hours when the vandals pounced on the ZESCO transformer.
Zesco Public Relations Manager Hazel Zulu has confirmed stating that the thiefs cut the cables which supply power to Roma Township and stole about Six drums of oil.
Ms Zulu said  the vandalised property has cost the power utility firm over K800,000 to replace the component.
She said the affected areas have had no power supply since Thursday and that engineers are working to rectify the problem.
Ms Zulu has since implored residents to remain vigilant and report anyone spotted vandalising Zesco property .
She has noted with concern that the community is usually reluctant to monitor public installations hence making vandals to take advantage.
Ms Zulu said most power outages that have continued being experienced in different areas are due to vandalism and maintenance works and not load shedding.