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The Independent Observer > OS > Use August general elections to change the Nation-PeP

Use August general elections to change the Nation-PeP

Patriot for Economic Progress (PeP) President Sean Tembo has called on Zambians to take the August 12th general elections as an opportunity to change the course of the nation for better.

Mr Tembo said the ruling PF and the main opposition UPND, doesn’t have what it takes to put the economy on the path of growth, sustainability and prosperity.

He said that the failures by the PF Government are well documented and self-evident in the shrinking of the economy.

“From a GDP of about US$28 billion in 2011 to a GDP of only US$19 billion in 2020 and the rapid decline in the exchange rate from about K5 per dollar in 2011 to K22 per dollar today, from an average inflation rate of 6% in 2011 to average inflation of 21% in 2021, high levels of poverty and squalor among citizens as well as insatiable corruption whereby individual senior Government officials are by far richer than the Government that they work for,” he said.

Mr Tembo also said that UPND has been claiming to be an alternative government in waiting and yet it has not offered any documented alternative solutions to the problems facing the nation.

He said that the change of government should bring about positivity and not the other way round.

Mr Tembo said that PeP is an alternative government in waiting, not by proclamation but by deeds.

He said that his party has the solution to many National problems the country is facing.

Mr Tembo has encouraged Zambian to make wise decision on this year’s general elections.