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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Chilubi DC dispels baseless attacks on DMMU

Chilubi DC dispels baseless attacks on DMMU

Chilubi District Commissioner Gilbert Mwila has dispelled assertions by a named political leader who has been issuing statements alleging that DMMU has stopped relief distribution in Chilubi District in Luapula Province after the by election in 2020.

Mr Mwila said Government has never stopped supplying relief food to the district and that the statement by the named politician is untrue.

He also said District Disaster Management Committee Chairperson said since the beginning of this year Chilubi district alone has received in excess of 4,600 by 25 kilograms of mealie, cooking oil, beans and other non-food items for flood victims.

Mr Mwila said the distribution of relief food in Chilubi was not necessitated by a by-election but the flooding that the people in the area have continued to experience.

He said it is import for politicians to get their facts right before issuing misleading statements to the media.

Mr Mwila said that in times of challenges, there is need for coexistence and not baseless criticism just to gain political mileage.

He has challenged politicians to visit Chilubi and witness how people are being helped by government through DMMU.

The Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit has from October 2020 to March 2021 distributed a total of 63,000 by 25kg bags of mealie meal, 13440 by 12.5 kg bags of relief mealie meal and 3,000 metric tons of maize to the affected communities in Southern, Western, Luapula, Northern, Central, Muchinga and Eastern Provinces.
On Monday Golden Party Zambia leader Jackson Silavwe issued a statement accusing DMMU of stopping the relief distribution in Chilubi after the by election that saw Mulenga Fube of the Patriotic Front being elected as Member of Parliament.
Mr Silavwe later yesterday featured on Diamond TV’s breakfast show where he amplified his accusation of DMMU abandoning relief distribution in Chilubi.