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The Independent Observer > OS > The race to Manda hill heated but polluted

The race to Manda hill heated but polluted

Dear Editor
It is interesting to see how the race to Manda Hill is heating up and getting polluted everyday not only in one political party but nearly all the political parties that are worthy to be called political parties wanting to contest in the August 12th general elections.

From nowhere, we are seeing business men and women racing against time to apply on various political party tickets whose doors are already open for adoptions. Some of these are are actually just fronts pushed by those with connections, not that tey are actually politicians or exhibited leadership qualities before.

We are also witnessing how some candidates are technically being knocked out of the race by their own parties by advising them to apply on different positions than what they had planned to. To me, these are however internal party knockout Technics.

Much as one would want to argue that this year’s elections are competitive and inclusive, they have actually knocked out many aspirants with leadership acumen and those popular on the ground on account of financial muscle.

My worry now is that we may end up having worst leadership because most and not all may be wanting to first recover what they put in to firstly be adopted and then campaign.

This also have put pressure on various political party executives involved in the adoption process where we have actually seen some nullification of interviews citing corruption, which is a danger to our political dispensation.

We have also seen some targeting positions high than their calibre and one wonders whether such people are aspiring to indeed serve the people or personal grandiose.

Let us expect the worst because we have allowed ourselves to bring business and not leadership in politics.

Wisdom Muyunda