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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Zambians need jobs, local startups not handouts

Zambians need jobs, local startups not handouts

Golden Party of Zambia (GPZ) says Zambia as a nation needs to change It’s economic order and commence an aggressive assault against joblessness before it consumes the entire Country.

GPZ president Jackson Silavwe said the country need to build a local economy that works for Zambians.

Mr Silavwe said Zambia does not need more foreign owned shopping malls or chain stores but indigenous industries to turn this economy from a consumer based to a producer and productive economy.

“The consequences of having a very large number of a country’s population not engaged in any meaningful economic activities or productivity is a ‘ticking time bomb’ for a young democracy like Zambia. Government must act now,” he said.

He said Government needs to be more proactive in cultivating the youths to bring real prosperity.

Mr Silavwe said the Zambian government must spearhead the establishment of the biggest private venture capital fund in partnership with all the registered banks, mines and business houses to support Zambian local startups across key priority sectors of the economy.

He said a Zambian led startups will help create jobs thus reducing the alarming levels of joblessness and create both a producer and productive nation.