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BREAKING NEWS: UPND strongman Kakoma defects to PF

By Staff Writer
Former UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma has left UPND saying HH is a very terrible person to work with whose only interest is being President for personal benefits.

UPND is currently facing hard time as most of its prominent members have opted not to stand as MPs in what has been suggested as a protest move against the UPND leader’s untamed powers to call shots within the largest opposition party in Zambia.

Mr Kakoma is former Member of Parliament for Zambezi West Constituency.

He is also the former Managing Director of Zambia Daily Mail.

He served for 13 years at the National Assembly of Zambia.

While at Parliament, he was a Member of the Committee on Information and Broadcasting Services, providing oversight on the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services and media institutions.

He was also a member of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, providing oversight over the Ministries of Defence , Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs and institutions under them.

Mr Kakoma was a Member of the Standing Orders Committee (responsible for managing the affairs of Parliament).

He was also the Chairman of the Committee on Economic Affairs, Energy and Labour in the Parliament of Zambia.

The Committee provided oversight over the Ministries of Finance, Commerce and Industry, Labour Energy and Water, and institutions under them such as Bank of Zambia, Zambia Revenue Authority and Zesco.

The Speaker of the National Assembly nominated him to be a member of the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States and European Union (EU) Parliament.

The ACP-EU Parliamentary Assembly headquartered in Brussels, Belgium provides oversight over ACP-EU member States.

While at the ACP-EU Parliamentary Assembly, he was a member of the Social and Environment Committee and Rapporteur of the Health Subcommittee. He was so effective, knowledgeable and articulate as a Rapporteur of the Sub Committee on Health that fellow MPs thought that he was a medical doctor and kept referring to me as Dr Kakoma”.