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Cyber Law is already bringing order online-Kafwaya

By Staff Writer
Transport and Communication Minister Mutotye Kafwaya has commended President Edgar Lungu for assenting to the Cyber Crimes Bill.

Mr Kafwaya observed that the coming in of the new law to regulate online behavior is always bearing fruit as online users are now conscious of what they post.

He said the Ministry is happy that Zambians have started embracing the new law and are adapting their behavior to stay within the law.

Mr Kafwaya said the signing of the Bill into law goes to demonstrate his commitment to sanitize the online space in Zambia.

The Transport and Communication Minister was speaking at Nakeempa Secondary School in Choma on the sidelines of the commissioning of a new tower by Zamtel.

“I am happy to be serving in this government at a time like this when we have taken a bold step to bring order to our cyber space. This is a good law and we are happy that Zambians have airways started regulating their behavior online because they know that there is now a Cyber law in place.”

Meanwhile, Mr Kafwaya says government remains committed to ensuring that the entire country is connected through mobile phone technology.

He said the project to roll out communication towers across the country has resulted in improved business efficiencies in rural areas.

“Our farmers are now able to seek better prices for their produce because they have a mobile phone and they can call other buyers. Our schools pupils in rural areas can now use ICTs which is resulting in improved outcomes,” Mr Kafwaya said.

And Zamtel Chief Executive Officer Sydney Mupeta announced that so far, over 775 new towers have been erected.

Mr Mupeta stated that the roll out of the project has not been adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic as it remains on course for completion this year.

The Zamtel CEO revealed that so far, 63 new towers have been switched on in Southern Province in addition to the 146 towers that existed in the Province before the project commenced, bringing the total to 209.