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PS Kaunda calls for speedy implementation of donor-funded projects

The Ministry of National Development Planning has urged all project implementation units to ensure speedy implementation of projects and programmes to avoid slowing down the disbursement rates, eliminate delays and maximize value for money.

This was at the official  opening  of the joint GRZ African Development Bank (AfDB) portfolio performance review meeting yesterday.

And Ministry of National Development Planning Permanent Secretary in charge of Development Cooperation, Monitoring and Evaluation Trevor Kaunda told project implementation units that the activities and programmes being  implemented have set objectives and time-lines.

“You are implored to demonstrate a great sense of ownership, leadership and responsibility during the project and programme implementation process. Therefore, I urge you to demonstrate a great sense of urgency in the implementation of these projects. Avoid protracted delays in the procurement of goods and services as these eventually slowdown the disbursement rates and delay benefits which should accrue to our people,” he said.

Mr Kaunda  noted that due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the implementation of planned project activities had been difficult.

He, however, expressed optimism that all stakeholders did their level best to implement the activities within their mandates despite these unforeseen challenges.

Mr Kaunda  thanked the African Development Bank for being an all-weather friend and for supporting the Government of the Republic of Zambia for more than 50 years .

He said that given the resource constraints being faced by the government, accessing concessional financing is critical in the implementation of key programmes as espoused in the Seventh National Development Plan 7NDP.

Mr Kaunda reminded the participants that the resources the Zambian Government receive from the African Development Bank were predominantly loans that will have to be repaid in the future.

He said that  the funds need to be effectively and efficiently utilized to accelerate national development to achieve the  value for money.

Mr Kaunda also  noted  that good performance of the portfolio can only be ensured through a consultative process  with key stakeholders.

“I wish to emphasize that this joint GRZ- Country Portfolio Performance Review CPPR meeting is not a ceremonial gathering or a business as usual fora but a platform where innovations should be born on how best to enhance project implementation, “he said.

Mr Kaunda assured  the Ministry of National Development Planning, the national coordinator of donor funded projects that they will  continue to provide support through necessary follow-ups where interventions are required.

This is contained in a statement issued by the Ministry of National Planning Spokesperson Chibaula Silwamba.