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Chief Simamba asks investors to join council in developing Siavonga

By Ireen Mulenga

His Royal Highness Senior Chief Simamba of the Tonga speaking people in Siavonga says it is the responsibility of Siavonga Town Council and investors to develop the district.

Chief Simamba said councils countrywide are faced with financial challenges hence should be supplemented by local investors.

Chief Simamba was speaking at his palace during the investor’s Consultative meeting on developmental issues yesterday.

The traditional ruler regretted the attitude of some investors who depended upon the Council to single handedly develop the district when such investors had the capacity to supplement Council’s efforts through corporate social responsibility policy.

“It is not only the council’s responsibility to develop the district, even you our local investors, you have that responsibility through the corporate social responsibility policy. Council’s also have a lot of financial challenges and yet you have left development of the district in their hands,” he said.

Chief Simamba also commended Yalelo for their good job they are doing in the area.

He said Yalelo are the only ones who are making efforts in taking development in Siavonga.

Chief Simamba said being a tourist destination, Siavonga must have good infrastructure especially road network.

He has called for the formation of an Investors’ Association to coordinate and address developmental bottlenecks.

Meanwhile Council Treasurer Teddy Banda welcomed the Chief’s call for the local authority and investors to work together while pledging to avail machinery for road works.

Mr Banda said Zamfresh would contribute four tractors with Lake Harvest, Sketting and other investors also pledged to contribute fuel.

In attendance was Siavonga District Commissioner Ephraim Mwanjabantu, Government Officers and local investors among them Lake Haverst, Zamfresh and Sandy Beach.