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The Independent Observer > Headlines > EU appoints Trevor Simumba as senior expert on trade to the AU

EU appoints Trevor Simumba as senior expert on trade to the AU

The European Union (EU) has appointed renowned trade specialist and advisor, Trevor Simumba as Senior Expert on Trade attached to the African Union (AU) Headquarters based in Addis Ababa.

Mr Simumba who was until now Chairperson for Finance and Economics in the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) led by Former Finance Minister Felix Mutati will now be based in Addis Ababa.

In his new role, Mr Simumba will interact with various Governments across the African Continent on issues surrounding commerce, trade and industry.

He joins other Zambians in Addis Ababa flying the Zambian flag high at the Continental body such as Ambassador Albert Muchanga who was recently elected Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Industry and Mining at the 38th Ordinary Session of the AU.

Mr Simumba has since tendered in his resignation and best wishes to the MDC leader Felix Mutati and the entire MDC membership as he takes up his new role in Addis Ababa.