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Juvenile vandal electrocuted

A juvenile vandal has died after he was electrocuted while trying to steal Zesco cables at Olympia Sub-Station in Lusaka.

Zesco Spokesperson Henry Kapata confirmed the development on the company’s official Facebook page that the boy aged  between15 and 17 died yesterday after he tampered with the vicious 11KV cables.

He said the boy tampered with the 11kv cables making about 300 households in Olympia and surrounding areas to be off supply.

“About 300 customers in Olympia and surrounding areas are off supply as a result of vandalism of cables at the 11kv substation. The sad part of the story is that the vandal, a young boy believed between the age of 15 and 17 lost his life during the act,” Mr Kapata said.

Mr Kapata said the value of the vandalised cables is estimated to be above K80, 000.

“Vandalism of Zesco cables can cause loss of lives and long life imprisonment when arrested,” he said.

He has since urged residents to desist from vandalising Zesco cables to avoid losing lives.

Mr Kapata said the company will continue engaging communities on dangers of vandalism.