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7 PF Councillors at Chingola Council aspire for mayor

By Ireen Mulenga
Seven PF Councillors at the Chingola Municipal Council have applied for mayoral seat which is being occupied by Titus Tembo.

The latest to declare interest is Buntungwa Ward Councillor who is also PF Copperbelt Youth Treasurer Soko Mumba.
Just from PF camp there are about eight who have declared interest.

These are Nelius Mumba for Bupalo, Zaney Mungala for Kwacha, Kennedy Simpasa for Mimbula who is the current deputy mayor, Charles Musonda for Maiteneke, Samuel Siingwa for Twatasha and George Kampamba for Chingola.

Mr Tembo himself brings the total to eight.

Others from PF but not serving Counillors are Sylvia Ngosa Mporokoo who is the current PF District Women Chairperson and former Chingola Mayor McDonald Mulongoti.

From the opposition UPND, Lulamba Ward Councillor Lesley Temani and Kasompe Ward Councillor Johnston Kang’ombe have equally started their mayoral campaigns.

Mr Mumba who is also a Chingola business executive said that after making consultations with the church, the party leaders and the people he has saved as a Councilor and the family, he decided to contest for the position.

He said given the mandate, he will bring the experience that is required to sought out both internal and external problems of Chingola Municipal Council as well as the district.

Mr Mumba said being an experienced politician in the Party for the last 15 years and Councillor as well as a businessman, understands the economic and political challenges the district is facing.

He said for his reason he feels, he is the right person to aspire for the position of Mayor on the Patriotic Front ticket.

“PF being what it is, it has encouraged a number of youths to aspire for political leadership, it is for this reason I want to bring the leadership of a youth that is anchored on practicality and a better vision for Chingola district, both for business community, for the marketers and everybody who is a resident of Chingola,” he said.

He said he is ready to work with the people and the door is open for advice.