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The Independent Observer > Politics > DPstill intact: purported defections are PF desperations

DPstill intact: purported defections are PF desperations

By Ireen Mulenga
The Democratic Party (DP) Lusaka Provincial chairperson  Victor Mwale says the recent purported defections of DP members in Chongwe district are fake and should not be taken seriously as the DP structures at all levels in Chongwe are intact.

Mr Mwale warns the PF that Zambians have woken up and any maneuvers to conspire the 2021 elections will not work.

He said the PF maneuvers to parade marketers in Chongwe as DP members to fake defection for the purpose of enhancing the sinking boat because of the bad captainship are signs that the ruling party has lost grip on the ground.

Mr Mwale also confirms that Mr Jackson Lambwe was expelled from DP because of his corrupt habits of bribery-to collect the money from the PF and its associates.

He said DP is aware that Mr Lambwe received K3, 000 from a named PF official to fake defection as he bids his candidature in the August, 12 general elections.

“My office want to warn Mr Lambwe to stop masquerading as DP official as he is not a member of our party.

However, the party in Lusaka province takes this opportunity to also warn the PF government that enough is enough; we are not going to watch the country being looted just to guarantee you victory in the forthcoming elections, “he said.

Mr Mwale said that the money the PF is dish out to Zambians to vote for them, is critical to mitigate the floods in Kanyama, also  to maintain sanitation in most public places such as health centres.

He said as DP they stand with Zambians in the sufferings, especially marketers at the City Market, Soweto market who are trading in unroofed markets.

“Our encouragement to you our marketers, bus drivers who are being subjected to daylight robbery by PF cadres, is to remain faithful and believe in the DP and president Harry Kalaba for a better Zambia,” he said.