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The Independent Observer > Headlines > Christians from Nchanga parish celebrates ash Wed

Christians from Nchanga parish celebrates ash Wed

By Ireen Mulenga
Catholic Christians from all works of life yesterday celebrated Ash Wednesday, a time for Reflection, Repentance and Renewal.

And Christians from Twelve Apostles Nchanga Parish Chingola also joined in celebrating the mass.

In the mass, Fr Benard Lubumbe called on Christians to be prayerful during Lent period.

He said lent is the time when Christians are invited to prepare themselves for the celebration of the God’s Passion, death and resurrection.

In his homily Fr Lubumbe said that lent is the time to pray, fast, believe, to turn away from sins and to start a new chapter in life.

“As we start this time of lent, as Christians and as Catholics, you are encouraged to be prayerful, to reconcile with God and to forgive one another,” he said.

He said it is always important to fast especially in time of trouble because that is the way God answers to prayers.

Fr Lubunbe said fasting is not the time to show off to everyone or neighbors know that you are fasting, he said it has to be between you and your God.
He also reminded Christians to share what they have especially to the poor in society.