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Kalulushi Council commission boreholes

Kalulushi Municipal Council (KMC) has commissioned a market shelter and five boreholes at a cost of over K500, 000.

Kalulushi Deputy Mayor Paul Chivunda said during the handover ceremony that the commissioning of the projects is aimed at improving accessibility to clean water and sanitation in the district.

He said the market shelter at Chibote was constructed at a total cost of K371, 278.24 while the boreholes which are scattered across Kalulushi were drilled at a cost of K87, 000.

“The three boreholes were drilled at K44, 000 while the two in Chati costed K43, 000 each, using locally generated funds and Local Government Equalization funds,” Mr Chivunda said.

The five boreholes have been drilled in East Kalengwa, Marcelin, Chibote and Chati Markets while the shelter has been erected at Chibote Market.

Mr Chivunda said water is a key component that traders need in order for them to conduct business in a conducive environment.

Mr Chivunda said that it is important for the traders to trade under safety conditions especially in this era of Covid-19 were water is a necessity.

He said most of the places where the bore holes have been sunk were facing critical water shortages and the Local Authority understands the importance of clean safe drinking water.

He said the markets should not be used to divide people based on their political affiliation but instead bring the people together.

Mr Chivunda has since urged the residents to safeguard the bore holes and the market shelter as it will benefit them.

And Remmy Chisupa ward Councilor Clement Njovu said this gesture will prevent the outbreak of waterborne diseases in the area.

Chati ward Councilor John Shalubala also expressed gratitude towards the gesture from the Local Authority.