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The Independent Observer > News > Govt warns employers to be alert of fake Labour Officers

Govt warns employers to be alert of fake Labour Officers

Government has warned employers to be cautious of scrupulous people masquerading as Labour Inspectors from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

Ministry of Labour Permanent Secretary Chanda Kaziya has warned employers to ensure they verify details of people who visit their companies for inspections.

Mr Kaziya said it is the duty of the Ministry of Labour to warn the country of such vices emerging in the Labour Market.

“I must indicate that there is a group of people visiting companies pretending to be from the Ministry of Labour and are harassing employers getting away with their money,” he said.

He has expressed gratitude toward the Lusaka City Council Police and Zambia Police for unearthing this criminality practiced by some citizens.

Mr Kaziya urged the people of Zambia to help Government by reporting people who are engaging in such vices to the Police and hold them accountable for their actions.

And Labour Commissioner Givens Muntengwa has alerted Labour Officers across the country to ensure they utilize the lawful certificates of appointment issued to them to carry out inspections.

Mr Muntengwe also addressed employers who deliberately intend to demean and frustrate the work of his office and the Government by choosing not to report to his office when they are summoned.

He stated that his office has powers to summon any employer or employee to appear before him and anyone who chooses to ignore and break the law will be dealt with accordingly.