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The Independent Observer > OS > ECZ can bring chaos in the nation ahead of august elections

ECZ can bring chaos in the nation ahead of august elections

Dear Editor,

I have watched with concern how the political scenario is being mishandled by Electoral Commission of Zambia ahead of August 2021 general elections.

The current happenings where some political players are allowed to engage with electorates with a lot of handouts in form of cash and material things in the name of empowerment amid Covid 19 pandemic ahead of August 2021 could be a recipe for political anarchy if left unchecked.

My worry is what happens if every political player starts hitting the road running in comparison to those already on the ground? Won’t that bring confrontations with those that can feel stopping them hinders them from campaigning while others are let to do it?

ECZ should stop being a spectator while actually seeing huge sums of money being dished out from nowhere.

These elections are not about an individual but about Zambians and the best ECZ should do is to be transparent in the way they manage the electoral space.

Already we are all alive to the fact that rigging happens because even men of God actually confirm such, so to me that should put ECZ on its toes to gain public confidence.

Wisdom Muyunda