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The Independent Observer > OS > Politicians should not think their enemies are our enemies

Politicians should not think their enemies are our enemies

Nelson Mandela once said that “One of the mistakes some political analysts make is to think that their enemies must be our enemies too”, and I agree with Mandela because that is a wrong kind of thinking that has engulfed our politics in Zambia today.

Political party leaders need to realize that much as they may have some differences in their capacity as leaders of political parties, they should not make a mistake of transferring their hatred which is mostly personal to their followers, but should keep their hatred amongst themselves.

Seeing what is happening today in view of the forthcoming August 12 General Elections, I get worried the tendency by some politicians wanting to extend their ‘personal hatred’ to the Zambian people.

You need to realize that we are Zambians first before being members of your party and what we are carrying is a Zambian flag and not your party flag or symbol.

The people of Zambia also need not to follow blindly these politicians and fight wars that they do not even understand otherwise you may end up inheriting a battle whose background you don’t even know.

Day in and out, we have politicians who appear to be focused on dividing this country because of their personal battles. If you as a leader of this party and is having a grudge against the leader (s) of the other party, kindly spare your members from it because what people want is issue-based leadership, otherwise it is also a big mistake for you as my leader to think that if I don’t join in your battles with your enemies then I am equally your enemy no! I am simply not interested in your personal battles because they do not benefit me in any way.

We should not allow ourselves to be divided by politicians with selfish agendas but let us unite as a people and fly the Zambian flag high.

Time to rebrand our country Zambia is now and it can only be done by you and I as Zambian citizens and not as members of a political party. Moreover, Zambia is bigger than any political party.

The author Francis Chipalo is a Lusaka- based Journalist and Freelance Public Relations Practitioner.