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The Independent Observer > OS > Don’t risk lives over politics

Don’t risk lives over politics

Dear Editor
I write to appeal to government through His Excellence President Edgar Lungu to make quick and decisive measures to save our lives amid this Covid 19 pandemic.
A lot of political energy seem to be directed to Covid 19 pandemic yet we have many ailments our society is grappling with that need urgent attention from government.
Malaria, BP, sugar and diabetes, have never stopped to claim lives in our societies, yet the loudest speakers are always talking to us about Covid 19 related deaths.
Whether there is a lot of money under Covid 19 disguise or not, the government’s role is to make sure every citizen is assured of safe living devoid of health risks caused by the government or government agencies, unlike what is happening right now.
Worse, so many drugs are being recalled from circulation without any investigative measures to tell the nation on the side effects these drugs could have on us, not only informing us how government will preserve our lives in the effect that people get side effects.
What we are seeing is now lawyers who unfortunately some are lawmakers are scheming big to mint gold over a honeybee scandal at the expense of Zambians’ lives.
My appeal is for President to sound an alarm to the line ministries that are involved with our health welfare to make our lives safe against any manipulation and political gymnastics.
Finally, let government fund ZAMRA heavily since we have a lot of money we see being flushed around to empower us so that this agency can be all over the country to inspect, monitor and manage the entry of all the drugs in the country.
My take is let us look at a bigger beneficiary group.
Wisdom Muyunda