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A united, inclusive Zambia beyond general elections


Golden Party of Zambia says the country is gradually being broken apart by a few selfish individuals and Zambians must stop them.

GPZ president Silavwe Jackson said It has become a common trend for politicians to fuel tribal divisions for them to remain relevant.

Mr Silavwe said Politicians in Zambia no longer talk about people’s well-being and how they intend to develop mother Zambia.

He said instead Leaders use tribalism as a basis of their campaigns.

Mr Silavwe said It is high time politicians began to drive the agenda of developing Zambia seriously not using divide and rules tactics as a way to gain votes.

He has called upon traditional and church Leaders and all Zambians to publicly condemn such retrogressive and divisive vices.

Mr Silavwe said his party doesn’t want to preside over a divided country, but a united and inclusion Zambia.

“We do not want a Zambia which is biased towards certain tribes with regards to employment, application of the law or distribution of the national cake. Our differences should unite us and all tribes are equal before God and before the nation,”he said.