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Provide PPEs to rural health workers-GPZ


Golden Party of Zambia President Jackson Silavwe says government should arrest the spread of coronavirus by providing person protective equipment to health workers and create Covid-19 centers in rural areas.

Mr Silavwe said the recent revelations about some rural health workers attending to Covid 19 patients without PPEs is not only disappointing but worrying.

He said the great men and women are sacrificing to help the majority citizens in the fight against this global pandemic.

Mr Silavwe said reports from Mwachisompola Rural Health Center in Chibombo that health workers only have face masks and surgical gloves to attend to Covid 19 patients’ demands urgent attention from relevant authorities.

He has called upon the new Minister of Health Dr Jonas Chanda to ensure that health workers at Mwachisompola Rural Health Center and those from other health facilities across the country are provided with the needed PPEs equipment.