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The Independent Observer > Sports > Ban from stadium amid Covid-19 surge, angers fans

Ban from stadium amid Covid-19 surge, angers fans

By Mary Mukuka
The Zambia Football Fans Association (ZAFFA) is furious that the Government has completely banned football fans from all games due to the spike in Covid-19 cases.

FAZ General Secretary Adrian Kashala said Football House is complying with the directive announced by Sports Minister Emmanuel Mulenga at the weekend.

ZAFFA General Secretary Chawezi Katwizi has questioned the Government’s decision to completely ban fans from the stadium when markets are still operating.

“To ban completely fans from stadiums I think is very unfair when other sectors like shopping malls and markets are open. We don’t know when this pandemic will end but we can control it,” Katwizi said.

“I don’t think soccer fans are that reckless for them to become victims of bans when other sectors have been left open.”

Chawezi said the Government should consider allowing at least a limited number of fans to watch matches.

“We as soccer fans are missing soccer. I am just requesting the Government through the Ministry of Health please consider our plea, we can do with few fans in the stadium unless the situation becomes volatile,” he said.

Government in recent days has enhanced enforcement of Covid-19 guidelines following a rise in the number of cases.