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Status Hi-tech donates 2 wheelchairs to climax Christmas celebrations

Status Hi-tech has donated two wheelchairs to the needy as part of Christmas celebrations.

Recently, the Chingola based firm donated 100 pockets of cement to Twatasha Primary School as part of its corporate social responsibility.

Two Chingola families were recipients of the wheel chairs from Status Hi-Tech Zambia as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility.

The John Zgambo steered safety institution donated a wheelchair to 7-year old Blessing Kapiya of Mashimba area in Chingola peri-urban.

Blessing who neither walk nor sit was born in 2013, and had to be carried along strapped on his mother’s back or left lying alone while the family carried out other chores.

According to the boy’s parents, Lloyd and Dorika Kapiya, said that he was born ok and only became disabled at six months after an illness believed to have been Malaria.

The family was delighted to receive the wheelchair as it would make their lives easier and helps with the mobility of Blessing.

The visibly delighted Blessing happily sat in the wheelchair as he was wheeled around by his siblings.

And Status Hi-Tech Managing Director John Zgambo, said giving back to the community is part of Status Hi-Tech Culture.

Being a member of Lions club himself, he believes in charity works that make vulnerable people’s lives brighter.

Status Hi-Tech management team handed over the wheelchair on behalf of the company.

Another recipient was the 68-year old widow Exildah Chewe-Nyirongo who has been immobile after suffering two strokes which left her paralyzed, forcing her to be in the condition for almost 20 years.

She was deeply touched by the gesture from Status Hi-Tech and thanked God for an answered prayer. Trying out her early Christmas gift, she uttered praises to God and profound thanks to the company.

Status Hi-Tech General Manager Mercy Situtu expressed delight in the company continued CSR saying the company will feel, mourn and walk with the people.