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LAZ condemns shooting of 2 citizens by the police

The Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) has condemned the killing of two innocent citizens by police officers who used live ammunition to disperse the crowds gathered to support  the leader of the opposition UPND.

Honorary Secretary Sokwani Chilembo said LAZ has not seen any justification for the use of live ammunition against members of the public who were unarmed

Mr Chilembo said it has now become fashionable in the country for police officers to use live ammunition to control public gatherings, resulting in killings.

He said  the killing of Frank Mugala, a grade nine pupil of Chazanga Primary School mistakenly police officers were trying to aim at protesters

Mr Chilembo said the perpetrators neither take responsibility nor are they brought to account for this reckless affront to the right to life guaranteed under the Constitution

He said the use of live ammunition also goes against international tenets for effective policing and crowd control

LAZ calls on the police command to inspire public confidence by ensuring that police officers are not used to aggravate a negatively charged political atmosphere as the country draws closer to elections

LAZ calls for a full investigation to ascertain not only who it was that issued the command for live ammunition to be used but also to determine at which officers hands the victims met their death.