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The Independent Observer > News > Body exhusumed coffin missing at Kawama cemetery in Ndola

Body exhusumed coffin missing at Kawama cemetery in Ndola

The Ndola City Council has recorded a case of exhumation at Kawama Cemetery.

A grave, belonging to Frances M Kabwe, was found open and the coffin and body was found missing.

The grave was found open on Friday by Ndola City Council workers.

Frances M Kabwe was born in 1953 and was buried on August 2, 2012.

The Council has engaged
Chifubu Police Station and investigations are on-going.

The Ndola City Council is calling on the deceased’s relatives to avail themselves to the Council so that they can be updated on the incident and the processes that will follow.

The Ndola City Council is dismayed at the uncultural and senseless crime that transpired at Kawama Cemetery and calls on members of the public with any information on the matter to report to the local authority or the police.